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Modus Operandi -- The Obligatory "About" Page

Everyone’s got an “about” page. This one is mine…

I’m Chip; W0CHP. Born and raised in the NJ/NYC area, and later migrated to Minnesota. I received my first ham ticket in the mid-1980’s, but it eventually lapsed due to life/work/family, etc. I got a new ham ticket in the early 2000’s.

I write a lot of code; much of which is ham radio-related. In fact, I spend more time coding for ham radio, than I do talking on ham radio. 🤷‍♂️ I am best known as the founder and principal developer of the WPSD project, and for my involvement in the M17 Project.

Website Technical Colophon

Only F/OSS is used to create, edit and (self-)host this website. No proprietary nor patent-encumbered garbage is used to create, manage and present/serve this website.

The actual web site (and all my other sites/apps) is/are hosted on a cluster of FreeBSD servers in my home using the venerable FreeBSD Jails; with the jails being deployed and managed with Bastille.

However, you’re not hitting the actual servers…you’re actually viewing this site from a another pair of load-balanced and Jailed FreeBSD proxy servers in my network’s DMZ, running the Apache HTTP Server.

The site is served over a commercial 1Gbit/s synchronous fiber optic connection, with another 100 Mbit/s backup and/or H/A commercial connection. Additionally, the two firewalls are also redundant thanks to the wonderful CARP. Both the primary and secondary connections are graced with /28 and /29 blocks of static public IP addresses (respectively).

The website is written by hand, using the venerable and awesome Vim editor; site and structure generated with Hugo; deployed with OpenSSH, git, rsync, as well as sundry Bash and GNU Make wrapper scripts.

Presentation-wise, I’m using my own custom-made design (and by no means am I a web designer) The rendered HTML should be clean, error-free and semantically-correct. The site should respond well with, and adjust to, myriad mobile devices. Lastly, the site will render quite well in most modern browsers, and will degrade perfectly in text/console-based browsers and screen readers.

I value my privacy, as well as yours. Ergo, this site is served over an encrypted SSL connection. I use the wonderful Let’s Encrypt to issue and sign my SSL certificates - automatically, by way of the equally-wonderful mod_md. No cookies are used on this website.

Document Version: d2774b7 -- Last Revision: 12/22/2024
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