The WPSD Project

Welcome to the official home of the WPSD Project. WPSD is a next-generation digital voice software suite & distribution for amateur radio use, enjoyed by many thousands of hams around the globe. It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging.
WPSD is available as installable disk images, and multiple platforms & devices are supported. The WPSD Project is free and open-source software (FOSS).
Table of Contents:
Installing WPSD
Quick Start
Download the appropriate disk image for your device / platform.
Use a tool such as Balena Etcher or Raspberry Pi Imager, to write the disk image to your SD-Card. These tools will automatically decompress the
file as well.- You will need an SD card of at least 4GB to install these disk images.
- Important: If using Raspberry Pi Imager, do not use the “advanced options” to create a user, change the password, etc.! The “
” user and password is already on the disk image, and it is required for many of the programs to function properly. (You can change the “pi-star
” user password from the WPSD configuration page after you first boot up WPSD.)
- Use my WiFi Config File Generator to automatically connect the dashboard to your WiFi. Or…
- Connect your device directly to Ethernet. Or…
Otherwise: After about 5+ minutes post-bootup, you can connect to the “
” WiFi network to login to the dashboard and configure your hotspot after it’s booted… -
Insert the SD-Card into your hotspot and bootup!
After approximately five minutes (possibly longer if you have a slower SBC,) your dashboard should be available at
- If you installed a ZumSpot disk image, the URL will be
- If you installed a SkyBridge disk image, the URL will be
- If you installed a DVMEGA Cast disk image, the URL will be
- If you installed a DVMEGA EuroNode disk image, the URL will be
- If you installed a ZumSpot disk image, the URL will be
The default login is;
Important: if installing the WPSD Bookworm version, please note the special instructions and changes.
Detailed Instructions
A detailed installation guide is also available in the official WPSD User Manual.
Installation Notes
Important Info for First Bootup:
- When first booting from the WPSD disk image, go grab a coffee, drink, etc. and let the file-system auto-expand and the rest of the system initialize. Be patient. Full details on this can be found in a dedicated document.
- When installing from the WPSD disk image, it’s a best practice (and better) to run an update before setting up or making configuration changes to your hotspot. This ensures that setup/configuration changes you make are the most tested and up-to-date.
Download WPSD
Choose the disk installation image for your specific hardware / device from the following device matrix…
If you don’t see a disk image in the matrix for your specific hardware, it doesn’t exist…read the FAQs.
Common and Generic Hotspots / Devices | WPSD Disk Image |
Raspberry Pi; Zero 2W & Model 3, 4 & 5 Platforms (Bookworm OS) | WPSD_RPi-Bookworm.img.xz |
Nano Pi Neo Platform (Bullseye OS) | WPSD_NanoPiNeo-Bullseye.img.xz |
Vendor-Specific Hotspots / Devices | WPSD Disk Image |
BridgeCom SkyBridge MAX/Plus (Bookworm OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the newer SkyBridge MAX and older SkyBridge Plus Hotspots. |
WPSD_SkyBridge_Max-Bookworm.img.xz |
DVMEGA Cast (Bullseye OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the DVMEGA Cast Radio / Device. |
WPSD_DVMega_Cast-Bullseye.img.xz |
DVMEGA EuroNode (Bullseye OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the DVMEGA EuroNode Hotspot. |
WPSD_DVMega_EuroNode-Bullseye.img.xz |
ZUMSpot Elite 3.5 & Mini 2.4 w/LCD Displays (Bookworm OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the ZUMspot Elite 3.5 & Mini 2.4 Hotspots. |
WPSD_ZumSpot_LCD-Bookworm.img.xz |
ZUMSpot Mini 1.3 with OLED Display (Bookworm OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the ZUMspot Mini 1.3 Hotspot. |
WPSD_ZumSpot_OLED-Bookworm.img.xz |
ZUMSpot USB Stick (Bookworm OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the ZUMspot USB Stick Hotspot for use on a Raspberry Pi. A Raspberry Pi computer is required. |
WPSD_ZumSpot_USB-Bookworm.img.xz |
Vendor-Specific Repeater Devices | WPSD Disk Image |
ZUMSpot MMDVM-Pi Repeater Board (Bookworm OS) This is the official and custom-built disk image specific to the ZUMspot MMDVM-Pi Repeater Board. A Raspberry Pi computer is required. |
WPSD_ZumRadio_MMDVM_Pi_Rptr-Bookworm.img.xz |
File Integrity Check | |
SHA-256 Checksums for the Disk Image Files: WPSD_SHA256-SUMS.txt |
Getting Help/Support
- Read this entire page.
- Read The FAQs.
- Read the official WPSD User Manual (Note: this is new’ish and is a work-in-progress. Contributors welcome!)
- Before you ask for help, read how to properly ask for help.
- Some really great users, fans and contributors of WPSD have setup a Facebook Group and a Discord Server to get community support, etc. These are the only official online WPSD support mediums.
- Do NOT ask for for WPSD support in any official or unofficial
Pi-Star support page/group/forum/medium/etc. WPSD is not the original Pi-Star software written by Andy Taylor (
)! XLX-493
; ModuleE
is the WPSD Chat Module. A direct DMR conference to this module/room is bridged with BrandMeister; simply call TalkGroup3170603
.- Toshen,
, has written comprehensive documentation and notes on Digital Voice; and much of it is still relevant to WPSD.
Updating WPSD
Once you install WPSD, it will automatically be kept up-to-date with any new features/versions/etc. This is made possible via the native, nightly updating process.1
If you do not leave your hotspot powered on during the night, you can also
manually invoke the update process via the dashboard admin section (Admin -> Update
It is highly recommended that you simply leave your hotspot(s) powered on at night, since WPSD is rolling release/continuous delivery software - updates are rapid and frequent!
To help keep this web page small/quick, the WPSD screenshots are on their own page.
Notes about M17 Protocol Support
M17 protocol support requires updated MMDVM Modem Firmware or MMDVM_HS HotSpot Firmware of at least v1.6. Ergo, you may need to update your firmware using the included MMDVM_HS (etc.) firmware flash/update programs in WPSD.
Here are the relevant device firmware upgrade commands.
How to Contribute to the WPSD Project
There is a dedicated document explaining how to contribute to the WPSD project.
WPSD used to be a one-man show (me), but many people have contributed code, etc. to the project; and we also have an official WPSD Core Dev. Team. Thank you all! With the exponential growth, doing this alone would have sucked. I am grateful for all of you!
Of course, lots of credit goes to the venerable and skilled, Andy Taylor,
, for creating the wonderful Pi-Star software in the first place.
Pi-Star was foundational to the creation of The WPSD Project.
The USA callsign lookup fallback function uses a terrific API,, provided by Josh Dick, W1JDD
The callsign-to-country flag GeoLookup code was adopted from
xlxd… authored by Jean-Luc Deltombe,
; and Luc Engelmann, LX1IQ
. I run an XLX(d)
reflector, plus, I was able to adopt some of its code
for WPSD, ergo, I am very grateful.
The excellent country flag images are courtesy of Hampus Joakim
A big “thank you” goes to the amazing
for providing and hosting the
various servers/services that make this project happen and run smoothly.
So much credit goes toward the venerable José Uribe (“Andy”), CA6JAU
, for his
amazing work and providing the game-changing MMDVM_HS
hotspot firmware suite,
as well as his MMDVM_CM
cross-mode suite.
Lastly, but certainly not least; I owe an enormous amount of gratitude toward
a true gentleman, scholar and incredibly talented hacker…Jonathan Naylor,
; for the suite of MMDVM and related client tools. WPSD would have
no reason to exist, without Jonathan’s incredible and prolific contributions
and gifts to the ham community.
The WPSD project is very proud and grateful to have sponsorships to help the project maintain and grow. Here’s a list of the main sponsors that help/have helped the WPSD Project:
- ZumRadio (Hardware donations)
- BridgeCom Systems (Hardware donations; code contributions)
- DVMEGA (Hardware donations; code contributions)
- Steve Miller,
(Hardware donations, server hosting, code contributions, project management, user support)
Project Name & Etymology
When WPSD was first released in late 2020, I named it “W0CHP-PiStar-Dash
since it was a major fork to the popular Pi-Star software (the “OG Red
Over time, the project diverged and evolved exponentially from its humble
beginnings. During this time, I, as well as other users simply called the
software “WPSD” as an acronym, or shorthand for “W0CHP-PiStar-Dash
However, more time had passed, and the popularity plus the user install base had increased exponentially. This growth in popularity also garnered WPSD contributors, developers, volunteers and fans. By this time, many were already calling the software “WPSD”, so it stuck.
Of course. WPSD is a now a recursive acronym! 😆
So, here we are today - WPSD is the name of the software suite and project. And WPSD is a completely and deliberately different acronym from what it started as; it is now a much-adorned recursive acronym:
WPSD = WPSD Plausibly Stands for Divergence
That’s right; WPSD stands for “WPSD Plausibly Stands for Divergence”. With the Keyword being ‘divergence’, because the project has, and continues to diverge, improve, and evolve from the “OG Red Software”.
WPSD occasionally sends encrypted diagnostics data to our servers in order to determine if updates are available. This data is used internally, exclusively; and is not shared. If you do not want this data collected, simply disable the auto-update feature in the WPSD Configuration Page.
Important: Disabling Auto-Updates and Diagnostics will completely disable all WPSD software updates, as well as hostfile, talkgroup and user ID (DMR / NXDN) database updates. Also note, by disabling Auto-Updates and Diagnostics, you will forfeit any and all official WPSD support (we can’t troubleshoot/support installations that are both outdated and which do not contain any diagnostics data.) ⤴