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XLX493/URF493 Multi-Mode/Multi-Protocol Reflector; Hosted by W0CHP

I operate an XLX Multi-Mode/Multi-Protocol Reflector:

  • It’s a DMR reflector/ DMR network: XLX493

    • Module E is bridged/peered with BrandMeister TalkGroup 3170603.
  • It’s a YSF reflector/network: YSF-80364.

More modes may be added in the future.

Table of Contents:

Modules Enabled

  1. (A) NY/NJ/PA
  2. (B) MN/WI/IA
  3. (C) USA
  4. (D) General Rag-Chew
  5. (E) WPSD Chat 1

Module Notes

  • Module E is the official chat room for my WPSD software. It’s bridged/peered with BrandMeister so DMR users can simply talk in BrandMeister TalkGroup 3170603, and you will automatically be in the correct room/module.

Connecting to and Using XLX493/URF493 with DMR

You can connect to my DMR reflector in WPSD by selecting XLX-493 as the DMRMaster. However, I recommend using DMRGateway…

  • In WPSD, XLX is by default, talk group 6 specific.
  • DMRGateway/WPSD users: simply make a private call to 68493 to connect to my reflector…
  • The private call prefix to switch modules is 640nn (where nn is a module letter, mapped to a digit in the list above). Example:
    • Since the busiest module on my XLX reflector is Module E: WPSD, here is how you would connect to it in WPSD:
      • Connect to XLX493/URF493 in WPSD or by making a private call to 68493.
      • Make a private call to 64005 (where the last 05, represents the 5th letter of the alphabet…module “E”.)
        • If your WPSD has voice announcements enabled, you should hear it tell you that you’re linked to “XLX493 - E”.
      • Go to Talk Group 6 on your rig to talk on the selected module.
      • To disconnect from a module, make a private call to 64000.
        • If your WPSD has voice announcements enabled, you should hear it tell you that you’re linked to “XLX493” (note the omission of the previously-connected module)..

Connecting to and Using XLX493/URF493 with YSF

You can connect to XLX493/URF493 via YSF Mode/DMR2YSF/YSF2DMR in WPSD by selecting:

YSFHost “YSF80364 - XLX493

Connection Cheat Sheet

This handy table depicts at-a-glance, how to connect and switch modules in both DMR and YSF with WPSD-based hot spots…

Module Name DMR (via DMRgateway; TG-6) DMR2YSF as master DMR2YSF (via DMRgateway) YSF DTMF YSF DG-ID
A NY/NJ/PA PC 64001 - - #80364 10
B MN/WI/IA PC 64002 - - #80364 11
C USA PC 64003 - - #80364 12
D General Rag-Chew PC 64004 - - #80364 13
E (i) WPSD Chat (#) PC 64005 TG 80364 (*) TG 7080364 (*) #80364 14
Disconnect Disconnect from Module PC 64000 PC 4000 PC 7004000
(Use PC 7080364 to reconnect)
- -

PC = Private Call

TG = Talk Group/Group Call

(*) = Kerchunk to link to the reflector before talking

(i) = This is the default linked module for YSF, etc.

(#) = BrandMeister users: call TG 3170603 for the WPSD chat room (Module E)

Note: As you can see from the Cheat Sheet above, DMR and native YSF provide the most flexibility and control of modules. DMR2YSF does not (for now) and will default to module “(E) WPSD”, as configured on the XLX493/URF493 reflector.

XLX493/URF493 Reflector Dashboard

No XLX server would be complete with a dashboard! [ XLX493/URF493 Dashboard ]

XLX493/URF493 Meta

The XLX493/URF493 reflector is installed on a Debian server running the open source urfd reflector software. It’s connected to a 1Gbit/s synchronous commercial fiber connection in my home “data center” with redundant connectivity (albeit, degraded to 100Mbit/s) as well as backup power.

The server sits in its own VLAN behind my pfSense Firewall, and the web interface/dashboard is being proxied by an Apache HTTP instance on a FreeBSD server in a dedicated VLAN and DMZ.

  1. The YSF default Module is (E) WPSD

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