Welcome to the W0CHP.radio
website. I’m your host (you guessed it), W0CHP
Here you’ll find my various projects, software, documents and more – related to the topic of amateur / ham radio.
The WPSD Project
This is the official home of the WPSD Project. WPSD is a next-generation, multi-mode digital voice software suite for amateur radio use. It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike.
It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging.
WiFi Configuration Generator for WPSD
This web application is used to generate a WiFi configuration file for easy WiFi connectivity in WPSD.
Use this tool to get your WPSD hotspot connected to WiFi quickly and automatically.
WPSD Project FAQs and FMS
A compiled list of WPSD Project-related FAQs and FMS (frequently made statements).
If you plan on using, or currently use WPSD, it is implored that you read this document.
Digital Radio Lists
These are my ever-popular, consummate “Digital (Ham) Radio Lists”.
I pull the data each hour from each respective provider APIs to ensure data quality; and my lists have searching/downloading/sorting capabilities.
The master list of all articles on authored by yours truly, W0CHP
These articles are typically WPSD Project-related, however, some are simply general technical writings germane to the topic of amateur / ham radio.
XLX493/URF493 Digital Voice Reflector
This page describes my XLX493/URF493 Multi-Mode, digital voice reflector.
It includes instructions on how to use it & connect to it.